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The American Women's Club of Luxembourg

Advertise with Us

Gain access to an affluent and highly targeted audience of expatriates from around the world living in Luxembourg and longtime residents of Luxembourg. For any advertisement information, please contact communications@awclux.com.

By advertising in our Newsletter, you gain access to a highly targeted audience of expatriates from around the world living in Luxembourg, some of whom are also longtime residents of Luxembourg. All images can be linked to the Advertiser’s official website, details of which need to be provided during submission.

Self-created Ad in the Newsletter following the Newsletter following the specifications outlined below.

Member: 50 €

Non-Member: 75 €

Ad must be submitted no later than the 20th of the month.

Please adhere to these specifications for advertisements:

  • Send images as PNG (up to 350KB) or JPG (up to 2MB)
  • Entire coverage of ad is 500x200

All payments will be accepted by virement ONLY, and must be received by the 25th of the month before the Newsletter is supposed to appear. Please transfer the requisite amount to AWCL bank account number: BCEE LU75 0019 1000 7359 6000 and write “MONTH Newsletter Advertisement” in the comment section of the bank transfer.

If you have any questions, please contact communications@awclux.com

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