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The AWCL is an English-speaking club with over 200 women from all around the world. Join us today!



Monthly Welcome Coffee

Learn about the AWCL and Luxembourg at our monthly Welcome Coffee! This delightful gathering is open to both members and non-members, offering a fantastic opportunity to connect with new people and immerse yourself in our vibrant community. Best of all, the Welcome Coffee is free of charge!

Join us for a casual and welcoming atmosphere where you can learn more about the AWCL and gain valuable insights into life in Luxembourg. Whether you're a prospective member seeking to explore what we have to offer or simply curious about the AWCL and its activities, this event is the perfect starting point.

To find out more about our upcoming Welcome Coffee and secure your spot, simply reach out to us at membership@awclux.com. Our friendly team will be more than happy to provide you with all the details you need.

May 2nd at 7 p.m.  Welcome Wine Night


AWCL 65th Anniversary Celebration

Mark your calendars! Join us for the AWCL 65th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, June 15th.

During the day, we'll host a delightful picnic open to all members, their families, and friends. Then, as the sun sets, we invite members to an exclusive evening reception at the clubhouse. We're honored to welcome U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg, Tom Barrett, for an evening of appetizers, drinks, and camaraderie.

Stay tuned for more details!

Buzz Worthy Tour

Members and an adult guest are invited to join us on May 18th at 11:15 AM in Koedange for an exciting morning dedicated to the wonderful world of honeybees, and feel free to bring an adult guest! Dive into the experience of tasting honey straight from the hive, and learn all about how you can become a bee's best friend. Discover the crucial role these fascinating creatures play in our ecosystem and pick up tips on supporting them in their vital work. Don’t miss out on this sweet adventure—RSVP today and prepare to be delighted! 

Learn about honeybees in Luxembourg - Tour - (Plus 1 event)

Hiking Club

Explore Luxembourg's stunning landscapes and join a group of adventurous women for weekly hiking expeditions. Every Friday morning, we venture out for a refreshing 8-10 kilometer hike, immersing ourselves in the natural beauty of our surroundings. It’s a wonderful mix of exercise and relaxation, providing a perfect way to connect with nature and fellow enthusiasts.

Additionally, we meet on Mondays to plan our hikes, share tips, and ensure everyone is ready for the upcoming adventure. Each week, we discover new scenic locations, from lush forests and rolling hills to tranquil lakes and breathtaking viewpoints. Don’t just stay active—come and experience the scenic wonders of Luxembourg with us!

Learn more about this activity by emailing us at   Membership@awclux.com 

Become a member

To learn more about AWCL membership and all that it includes please click below.

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